Forecasts about your trips

Find details of the impacts on roads and public transport to plan your trips on Sunday, September 8 in Île-de-France.

Forecasts about your trips

Find the details of the impacts on the roads and in public transport to anticipate your trips for Sunday September 8 in Île-de-France.


Reducing the impact on your travel in Île-de-France between the two Games (from August 12 to 27)

  • Public transport

  • Route


Between the end of the Olympic Games (August 11) and the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games (August 28), Ile-de-France residents will benefit from smoother traffic on the roads, linked to a reduction in restrictions, and a reduction in impacts on public transport. However, some traffic measures remain.


Between two Games: what are we talking about?

Between two Games refers to the period between the closing of the Olympic Games (Sunday August 11) and the opening of the Paralympic Games (Wednesday August 28), i.e. 16 days.  

During this period, traffic restrictions will be less severe since the security perimeters of the competition sites will not be activated. This is the ideal time to anticipate future transport impacts during the Paralympic Games, from August 28 to September 8.

Anticipating the impacts of the Paralympic Torch Relay

On August 25, the 12 flames of the Paralympic Torch Relay will begin their journey in cities across the four corners of mainland France. They will arrive in Île-de-France on August 27, then meet on August 28 in Paris for the opening ceremony. Impacts on traffic are expected in the areas concerned.


Roads: what changes from August 12 to 27?  

Temporary deactivation of security perimeters  

Security perimeters at Olympic competition venues are deactivated from August 11 to August 27, with the exception of the security perimeter of the Olympic and Paralympic village, located in Seine-Saint-Denis. They will then be activated on the sites of the events and celebrations of the Paralympic Games according to the necessary dates and times, until September 8.

Temporary deactivation of many Olympic routes

The Olympic and Paralympic routes (VROP) are mostly deactivated from August 13, with the exception of the A1 between Roissy Charles de Gaulle and Porte de la Chapelle (deactivation on September 11). They are then reactivated on August 22 or 27, until September 11 at the latest. 



A1 between Roissy Charles de Gaulle and Porte de la Chapelle 

maintained (deactivated on September 11) 

A4 between Collégien and Porte de Bercy 

from 13 to August 30 

A12 between Rocquencourt and Montigny le Bretonneux 

from 13 to August 27 

A13 between Saint-Cloud and Rocquencourt 

from 13 to August 27 

RN13 between Porte Maillot and La Défense 

from 13 to August 27 

Circular boulevard (La Défense) 

from 13 to August 22 

Ring road, from Porte de Vanves to Porte de Bercy, via the north 

from 13 to August 22 

A86 between the Pleyel interchange and Avenue du Stade de France 

maintained (deactivated on September 11) 

A86 to Colombes 

from August 13 

A104 between Collégien and Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes

from 13 to August 30 

Parking between two Games

Several parking restrictions are linked to the activation of security perimeters at competition venues. They will mainly be lifted during this period. You can find details about you by contacting your town hall or prefecture.

How to prepare for your departures and returns on vacation between August 12 and 27?

From August 12 to 27, all Parisian stations will be accessible without traffic restrictions : Paris Austerlitz, Gare de Lyon, Paris Saint-Lazare, Gare du Nord, Paris Montparnasse, Gare de l’Est, Gare de Bercy.  

If you have to leave or return to Paris with your motorized vehicle (car, two wheels), we strongly recommend that you do so during this period which includes fewer traffic restrictions. 


Public transport: the reopening of certain stations between August 12 and 27

Metro and tram

Some stations will be accessible again for the period between two Games. 


metro_1 metro_13 The “Champs-Elysées – Clémenceau” station will reopen from August 12 to August 21


tram_T2 “Porte d’Issy” and “Porte de Versailles” temporary opening from August 12 to 28

tram_T3a “Porte de Versailles” temporary opening from August 12 to 28

tram_T3b “Colette Besson” temporary opening from August 11 to 28

metro_1 The “Concorde” and “Tuileries” stations closed until September 1 inclusive

metro_8 The “Concorde” station closed until September 1 inclusive

metro_12 The “Concorde” station closed until September 21 inclusive

metro_1 metro_13 The “Champs-Elysées – Clémenceau” station from August 22 to September 8 inclusive


metro_1 metro_13 The “Champs-Elysées – Clémenceau” station will reopen from August 12 to August 21


tram_T2 “Porte d’Issy” and “Porte de Versailles” temporary opening from August 12 to 28

tram_T3a “Porte de Versailles” temporary opening from August 12 to 28

tram_T3b “Colette Besson” temporary opening from August 11 to 28

metro_1 The “Concorde” and “Tuileries” stations closed until September 1 inclusive

metro_8 The “Concorde” station closed until September 1 inclusive

metro_12 The “Concorde” station closed until September 21 inclusive

metro_1 metro_13 The “Champs-Elysées – Clémenceau” station from August 22 to September 8 inclusive


Most bus routes are modified during the period of the Olympic Games (July 26 to August 11) and the Paralympic Games (August 28 to September 8) linked to the activation of security perimeters: change of terminus, diversion, unserved stop, etc.

Traffic restrictions are lifted between two Games, but some bus lines remain impacted. This is the case, for example, of the following lines:

  • 42 online  — from August 12 to 27, 2024, your line is diverted between Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées and Gare Saint-Lazare.
  • 69 online — from August 12 to 28, 2024, the Rapp–La Bourdonnais and Esplanade des Invalides stops are not served.
  • 72 online — from July 28 to September 7, 2024, your line runs only between Parc de Saint-Cloud and Radio France, and between Châtelet and Gare de Lyon.
  • 86 online — from August 12 to October 31, your line is diverted between Champ-de-Mars and École Militaire.

Consult the RATP files to find out the modifications concerning Parisian buses and the dedicated page of the Île-de-France Mobilités website for Ile-de-France buses.


August 27: what impacts with the Paralympic Torch Relay in Île-de-France?

From August 25 to 28, the Paralympic Torch Relay takes place: 12 flames starting from the four corners of mainland France converge on Paris. They will arrive in Île-de-France on August 27, then in Paris on August 28 for the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games.

Departments concerned

The day before the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games, the 12 Paralympic flames will cross six departments around Paris :  

  • Seine-Saint-Denis;
  • Val-de-Marne;  
  • Hauts-de-Seine;  
  • Seine-et-Marne;  
  • Val d’Oise;
  • the Yvelines.

Impacts to be expected

The Paralympic Torch Relay has impacts:  

  • on the roads — parking and traffic prohibited in the streets affected by the event (and sometimes nearby);
  • on public transport — diversions and unserved stops to be planned for certain buses, and crowds in the metros and trams which serve the relay sites.  

Consult the website of your prefecture or town hall to find out the details of the traffic restrictions in your municipality. 

How can we best anticipate the Paralympic Games?

From August 27 (arrival date of the Paralympic Torch Relay) and until September 8, impacts are expected on public transport and in particular on the roads with returns from vacation and the start of the school year. Here are our tips for planning ahead now!

If you can, favor teleworking and telemedicine. If you have to travel, here are some tips to avoid, as much as possible, congestion on the road and heavy crowds on public transport.  

  • Identify the areas impacted on the interactive map.
  • In general, favor the bike et walking or a combination of these different modes of transport, to avoid as much as possible the impacts due to the Paralympic Games (travel of spectators and security of the sites). Find out about the possibilities for bike rental or purchase assistance. Please note that you can access the red perimeter of the road test without needing proof.
  • By motorized vehicle, avoid red perimeters (reserved for holders of a Games Pass) and pay particular attention to the dates of the road events of the Paralympic Games whose security perimeters are more extensive in Île-de-France.
  • By public transport, check the attendance of your lines on the interactive map, and modify your route or shift your timetables to avoid the stations/lines at the busiest times.

As with the Olympic Games, anticipating your travel is the key to being able to get around as best as possible during the Paralympic Games. 

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Map of impacts on your travels

View public transport forecasts and traffic restrictions on the roads in Paris and Ile-de-France